PD Ports, along with other partners continues to play a lead role in the UK’s first 2050 Maritime Innovation Hub, led by founders, the Port of Tyne. Collectively, the partners are collaborating to inspire innovation and acceleration, bringing organisations together across the spectrum of maritime logistics, technology and academia.
Following a number of dynamic innovation sprints, a collaboration of over 40 companies including tech partners from the Connected Catapult, Royal HaskoningDHV and Nissan along with representatives from the Universities of Newcastle, Northumbria, Durham, York and University College London joined forces during a technology event held at the Port of Tyne today (30 October).
Matt Beeton, Chief Executive Officer at Port of Tyne, said: “Innovation requires the ability to collaborate and share ideas with other people; I’m really proud of the work taking shape in the 2050 Innovation Hub and delighted that so many industry partners are joining forces to develop new models of knowledge exchange and open innovation.
“The 2050 Innovation Hub is leading the way and the results will help ports and the global supply chain apply new technology to optimise efficiencies and improve competitiveness.”
Frans Calje, Chief Executive Officer at PD Ports, said: “We are delighted that PD Ports is playing an active part in the 2050 Innovation Hub, and it is great that positive collaborations are already working to tackle shared challenges facing the maritime sector.”
During the technology event taking place at the hub, a project plan was made aimed at improving berth utilisation and cargo capabilities; the contributions of the 70 delegates in attendance will culminate in the UK’s first maritime hackathon event, taking place at the 2050 Innovation Hub in November.
Tech partners, coders, developers, programmers and app builders will come together during the Innovation Hub Hackathon to develop software solutions that will optimise cargo capabilities at ports and in the supply chain. For further information please see: portoftyne.co.uk.
The UK’s first 2050 Maritime Innovation Hub, is an exciting partnership with Port of Tyne, PD Ports, Nissan, Connected Places Catapult, Accenture, Royal HaskoningDHV, Ubisoft and the Department for Transport.