PD Ports has proudly donated £1000 to a fundraiser organised by James Trethowan of Borocuda Swim School with all funds going to Tees River Rescue.
Starting on 13th June, James and his brother in law, Mikey Benson, embarked on a week-long gruelling challenge to cover the course of the River Tees from the source to the sea by walking, swimming, canoeing, tubing and paddling in the hope of raising much needed funded for the Tees River Rescue.
As legal guardians of the river, PD Ports holds water safety of paramount importance and offered a £1000 donation for the efforts of James and Mikey in order to help them exceed their fundraising goal.
Ran by a dedicated team of volunteers, Tees River Rescue is an independent charity that provides education, support and reassurance for the public to raise awareness of safety in the water.
James Ruddock, Founder of Tees River Rescue was delighted with the donation from PD Ports and explained that it will greatly support the lifesaving work done by the charity.
“Tees River Rescue relies on kind donations from members of the public and support from local businesses,” said James. “We want to make the River Tees a safe place for all to enjoy and use responsibly.
“The charity is delighted with the support from PD Ports and Borocuda and will ensure that all of the money donated is put to good use in providing safety patrols, missing people searches, rescue and local education activities to promote river safety.”
James Trethowan, founder of Borocuda Swim School, and organiser of the fundraising challenge, also expressed his gratitude for the donation.
“The fantastic donation from PD ports gave Mikey and myself a much needed boost in the middle of day 4 when we were battling against the Tees on a paddleboard on a hot day,” said James.
“What was more special was still to come when I attended a great meeting involving Tees River Rescue and PD Ports where they continued to keeping pledging their help and support to such a worthy organisation. I know this partnership will make the Tees a safer and more prosperous place to visit and enjoy. Thank you!”
Kirsten Donkin, Head of PR, Marketing & Communications at PD Ports, said she was looking forward to building a partnership with Borocuda Swim School and Tees River Rescue.
“We were delighted to be able to support James’ fantastic fund raising efforts with a £1000 donation to a cause that is vitally important in preserving public safety on the River Tees,” said Kirsten.
“As the Statutory Harbour Authority, we have a responsibility to maintain the River to ensure that vital trade flows can keep moving but, from an ethical standpoint, we are also committed to preserving the river and promoting its safe use to the public.
“James has a fantastic organisation in the Borocuda Swim School and the work that Tees River Rescue are doing is equally as vital. PD Ports is certainly looking forward to working closely with both teams in the future to build a strong partnership.”
James and the team are still accepting donations for the fundraiser to ensure that Tees River Rescue can continue to provide its vital service.
To donate, search ‘River Tees from source to sea’ on Go Fund Me.