Colleagues from across PD Ports joined together for a night of laughter, pride and togetherness at the first ever PD Ports People Awards.
Held at Acklam Hall, more than 100 people gathered last night to celebrate the individuals who best represent our STRETCH values.
The winners were chosen by a series of judging panels, each led by a member of the Executive Committee, who in turn were on hand to announce the winner in each category.
Each winner received a trophy and £250 vouchers.
The categories were linked to each of the STRETCH values:
Safety First – Luke Miller – Conservancy
Presented by Paul Foreman (collected on Luke’s behalf by Martin Webb). Luke was recognised by his colleagues for the ‘calm, reassuring and exemplary’ manner that he stepped up to help a young woman who tried to take her own life in the river, close to conservancy.
Luke took charge of the rescue and, once she was safe, stayed with the woman and made sure she was kept warm and provided support and care in her distress until the ambulance arrived.
His nomination adds: “The manner with which he took charge of the rescue of a young woman in the river, remembered all his training and continued to care for the casualty was exemplary. The calm, reassuring and friendly manner he maintained throughout enabled her to receive the best possible immediate care from Luke and the team.”
Teamwork – Jill Thompson – Finance
Presented by Jerry Hopkinson. Jill has been recognised for her efforts to support her team during a period where they were hit by staff shortages and increased workload, with tight deadlines. Jill stepped in to take on a number of tasks from her team to ensure they could manage the extra demand. Her nomination adds: “Jill has provided unending support, both by managing these changing priorities and guiding us, and has shown how she embraces the one team approach.
“She has always maintained her care and compassion for her team and provided the support to allow us to navigate the challenging periods.”
Respect – Patti Burt – Unitised
Presented by Michelle Robson. Receiving three nominations from across the business, Patti was recognised for her efforts as the leader of the PD Ports Women’s Network Group. Described as ‘leading by example’, Patti insists on inclusivity and welcomes men to take part in the group’s efforts to improve the experience of female colleagues, providing clear direction and supporting the wider objectives of PD Ports.
One of the nominations said: “Patti is driven by a genuine desire to benefit others, and even though at times it takes her personally out of her comfort zone, she does so to ensure everyone is treated with dignity and respect, barriers based on gender are broken down, and colleagues of all genders, locations and operations, know they are not alone.”
Excellence – Jonathan Moody – Unitised
Presented by Frans Calje. Described as having ‘great work ethic and someone who leads by example’, Jonathan works as a chargehand and stand-in team leader in unitised. His nomination noted: “Jonathan has the utmost respect from the management teams and all the guys he works with and is a real team player.
“He is not one from shying away and getting stuck in and leading by example. When Jonathan is on shift, you can see a difference in the team and his work ethic rubs off onto the workforce.”
Trust – Alan Melton – Engineering
Presented by Paul Brooks. Best known as Tigger, Alan has worked at Teesport for 47 years. Nominated four times by his colleages, he is noted for his commitment to mentoring younger colleagues and for asking the difficult questions in meetings, while always respecting the views of others.
He has also been voted as pension trustee by his teammates on four occasions.
One of the nominations said: “Whether it’s to do with training, or pensions, or any subject, he has demonstrated time and again that if he does not know an answer, he will ensure that he finds out and then tracks you down to deliver it.”
Honesty – David Ayre – Groveport Transport
Presented by Liz Law. David is described as someone who ‘exudes honesty’ and who will support anyone in the business, regardless of which team they work in. He leads on ensuring safety objectives across his team are met and respected and has a positive attitude in everything he does.
His nomination adds: “Everyone I have mentioned him to in passing throughout the business has a positive attitude about him.”
There were also huge cheers for 20 colleagues who were recognised under the Commitment value for long service – their combined service totalled 525 years.
Marking 25 years on the night were: Alan Darcy, Brian Hoe, Carl Upex, Craig Massey, James Butler, John Richards, Malcolm Whittaker, Mark Hall, Mark Stevenson, Michael Walton, Patrick Metcalfe, Paul Cotton, Paul Goupillot, Paul Hurst and Robert Jones.
Marking 30 years were: Alan Henderson, Alvin Jefferson Prescott, John Bennett, Mark Prout and Steven Foster.
Speaking on the night, Frans said the event had reminded him of all the reasons he fell in love with Teesport and its people when he joined the company in 2008.
He added: “Sometimes I’m stuck in my office in Queens Square and I hate that, I want to be out seeing everyone, what you’re doing and hearing what you’ve got to say. Seeing people tonight, the jokes, the laughs and the fun – it really means something.
“The values we hold as a business – set out as STRETCH – are not something that we just stick on a mug or a jacket and think that’s enough.
“It’s something that is meaningful to me, I do it every day and I know you do too. An event like this to celebrate our colleagues who live our STRETCH values is a great reason to come together and I know it’s something we’ll do every year.
“As a proud adopted Teessider, I feel really really part of a community, I feel really at home.”
Later in the evening, Jerry Hopkinson spoke to celebrate the long-serving colleagues who were recognised under the Commitment value.
“In return for our wages, we sell to the business our most valuable commodity – our time. It’s time we can’t get back and often we give it with no return.
“I often reflect on the level of commitment that I see around the business – the people who come in at 2am on a cold and rainy night to fix a crane or to discharge a ship, the people in offices who stay until 10pm reading complex legal documents.
“I sincerely thank each and everyone of our long-serving colleagues for the commitment that they made, and are still making, to the business.”
Find out more about our STRETCH values here.